Ready to fill

your calendar with more

sales call?

Fully managed cold email outreach service with guaranteed results at the most affordable cost. If there's no result, you get a full refund!

Over 500 Five-Star Client Reviews

Campaigns Done
0 +
Leads Contacted
0 M+
Cold Email Sent
0 M+
Qualified Leads
0 K+
Revenue Generated
0 M+

Trusted by 200+ Solo Entrepreneur, Startup, Agency SaaS Team, Firms & Professionals

Hyper personalized cold email outreach that drives meetings with your dream clients

Turn cold email outreach into a late converting sales machine. our simple To use features combined with our done for you service We'll service enable you to create and close deals faster

Find Targeted Verified Leads On Your ICP

    Find Targeted Verified Leads On Your ICP

    Using your ideal search criteria we pinpoint highly targeted, human-verified leads, ensuring precision and relevance for outreach effort.

    Buying Domain, Setup Mailbox & Warmup

      Buying Domain, Setup Mailbox & Warmup

      Purchase alias domains, set up your mailbox, and efficiently warm it up for effective email outreach campaigns.

      Write Converting Email Copy & Follow-Ups

        Write Converting Email Copy & Follow-Ups

        Craft compelling email copy and effective follow-ups with you to maximize conversions and engagement.

        Capture Attention Using Proven Strategies

          Capture Attention Using Proven Strategies

          We validate our strategies on our own campaigns to ensure that clients consistently receive exceptional results.

          Book Meeting & Forwarding The Positive Leads

            Book Meeting & Forwarding The Positive Leads

            Daily forwarding the positive replies leads to you for better handle & book meeting on your calendar.

            How we use cold email drip campaign to drive revenue for clients

            Affordable expert cold email outreach that boosts sales from hard-to-reach prospects.

            Find Targeted Verified Leads On Your ICP

            Using your ideal search criteria we pinpoint highly targeted, human-verified leads, ensuring precision and relevance for outreach effort.

            Highly Personalize First Line Wiring

            Personalize your email's opening line to make a strong connection from the start. So, we write that with AI for every single contacts.

            Buying Domain & Setup Mailbox

            Purchase alias domains, set up your mailbox, and efficiently warm it up for effective email outreach campaigns.

            Setup Warmup, Inbox Filter & Forwarding

            Will setup & email warmup for 2 weeks with inbox filters, and forwarding systems to optimize email deliverability and efficiency.

            Write Converting Email Copy & Follow-Ups

            Craft compelling email copy and effective follow-ups with you to maximize conversions and engagement.

            Handle Replies & Share The Positive Leads

            Daily forwarding the positive replies leads to you for better handle o keep your sales pipeline active and thriving.

            Book Meeting On Your Calendar & Sync

            Book meetings and sync seamlessly with calendar integration for efficient scheduling and coordination.

            Monitor Your Campaign Stats & Output

            Will provide your that access to your campaign stats for transparency and insights into performance.

            Some of Our Campaign Stats

            Our Happy Clients?

            Our 98% of clients leave 5/5 star reviews with their high satisfaction. Other 2% made it at least 4 stars

            Ryan Kelly Co-Founder & Partner - Lendzi

            What a pleasure it is to work with lead army - We gave a complicated email list collection task and he over delivered as usual great quality! Highly recommended!

            Matthew Quinn VP of Sales at WorkEQ

            Really excellent work, and will definitely rehire for future work. Lead Army now the company where I contact first if I have something that needs to be done well. Great job!

            John Barrows Founder & CEO at JB Sales

            Lead Army is the best when it comes to email scraping and data mining! They provides the best quality of work in short time. I say go with them! You will not regret it!

            Alex Pirouz Founder at Windsor Advisers

            They were prompt, communicative, and a pleasure to work with. The work was turned around in record time and I'm truly impressed by the speed and accuracy of this team.

            Joey Gilkey CEO at Apex Revenue

            Lead Army is very professional. Delivered contacts and email addresses in a timely manner - no hiccups along the way. I would recommend working with Lead Army.

            Turn cold email outreach into a high converting sales machine with our fully managed service

            Let's Talk

            Feel free to schedule some time to talk about your business type, your offer, target clients profile, sales plan! Also, how we can help you & pricing plan.